Falls Prevention – Appendix 4


When meeting the CQC Fundamental standards of Safety (Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment), the Service Provider shall:


·         ensure that all clients are assessed on the risk of falls and care plans reflect the support needed by individuals to remain active and mobile; 

·         ensure that clients who are vulnerable to falls are actively supported by their key worker or equivalent member of care / nursing staff to reduce / prevent the risk of a fall occurring and thereby supporting a reduction in unnecessary emergency admissions related to falls; 

·         maintain a falls register recording such information as the causes of fall (injurious or otherwise) and this register is regularly audited to ensure that necessary actions are taken to reduce falls within the home – see example:




·         Support clients to make decisions about how they may reduce their risk of falling; 

·         Identify where there are concerns about client’s capacity to understand the risk of falling, and the outcome of a capacity assessment is recorded in the person's care plan;

·         Ensure any restrictions or restraint used to reduce the risk of falls, for people lacking capacity to manage their own risk, is evidenced in records of the best interest decision-making process and in the care plan;

·         ensure all care staff are trained and competent in moving and handling procedures.

·         Make any appropriate referrals are made to community health care professionals following risk identification;

·         have a clear process for staff to follow when someone has fallen, including how to help the person up, when to refer for medical attention and when to refer for safeguarding;

·         have appropriate aids and equipment to reduce the risk of falls are provided promptly following risk identification;

·         provide good nutritional care and ensure clients are properly hydrated[1]

·         provide opportunities for clients to exercise and individuals are supported to stay as mobile as possible;

·         have links with the Targeted Care Home Support Service[2].

·         Identify a 'falls ambassador' in the home.







Resources/ Training & Guidance: 


·         ESCC Training & Development - Falls Training:


·         https://adults.eastsussexlearning.org.uk/courses/bookings/default.asp?ds=1&keyword=falls


·         Falls and Safeguarding Toolkit: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/providers/falls-safeguarding/


·         Falls Prevention in Residential Care


·         Stop Look and Carehttps://eastsussexlearning.org.uk/node/1468


·         https://www.scie.org.uk/search?sq=falls


·         https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg161






[1] Poor nutrition and hydration can cause dizziness and weakness. (see SCIE: Nutritional care and older people)


[2] Available in EHS and H&R CCG areas where there is known to be a high volume of falls/falls injuries and/or where falls and fracture risks have been identified.  The service aim is to reduce the number of falls and fractures experienced by residents, and ambulance call outs, attendances and admissions associated with these: